Meet our see6 Faculty
We have an esteemed community of facilitators to run experiences across the world.
see6 Faculty, are international business experts and leaders in serious games and experience delivery. They work with see6 clients and partners to bring real-world expertise to see6 experiences.
Scalable Expertise
True to its mission, see6 brings together people, technology, and ideas, to create a vibrant intellectual environment, spanning disciplines from experiential learning and military intelligence that pushes the frontiers of AI and human teaming.
World Class Delivery
A key strength of see6 is its world-class faculty. Leaders in the field of experiential learning and experience design, they are actively engaged in business relevant practice and are closely in tune with the evolving needs of business.
They are committed to practicality, which means they are consistently current and topical in what they bring to each simulation experience. They bring not only experience but rigour to their delivery. They understand the challenges you face, they have faced them themselves and are well placed to help you to meet those challenges head on.